Global Wellness Discovery

**Official website coming soon**


Wellness encompasses a range of dimensions, including spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. While each person's path toward wellness is unique, we believe that focusing on the following areas can provide a powerful foundation for growth and improvement.  Our mission is to provide meaningful opportunities for individuals to promote overall wellness through three core pillars.


Buddhism is a spiritual tradition that emphasizes personal transformation and the cultivation of inner peace, kindness, and wisdom. Its teachings and practices aim to help individuals find happiness and contentment within themselves.

At the heart of Buddhism is the belief that every living being has the potential to achieve lasting happiness, and that this can be achieved through the practice of non-harming and living in harmony with others. Through the cultivation of mindfulness, compassion, and other virtues, Buddhists seek to awaken to their true nature and live in a way that brings about the ultimate goal of pure and enduring happiness for all.

At Global Wellness Discovery we plan to build a community shrine, temple, and spiritual center available to the public to help them on their path to spiritual wellness.


Endurance fitness and running have the power to transform an individual's physical and mental well-being. By promoting an active lifestyle, these activities help us maintain our health and balance. But the benefits go beyond just physical fitness - they also enhance mental clarity and focus, which can positively impact all areas of our lives, including work, family, and relationships.

At Global Wellness Discovery, we believe in the transformative power of endurance events. That's why we help to organize annual endurance events that not only bring people together in local communities but also have a global reach, positively impacting the lives of participants all over the world.

We partner with New Global Adventures to bring together the best endurance event experiences possible.  Learn more about the races.


Enhancing spiritual and physical wellness can greatly improve an individual's mental well-being by bringing balance, peace, and clarity to the mind. Combining this with the experience of a traditional Finnish sauna creates a powerful experience that promotes greater well-being for individuals.

In a traditional sauna, the body is exposed to extreme heat, which helps sweat out toxins, relax muscles, and alleviate daily stress. At Global Wellness Discovery, we offer this traditional Finnish sauna experience to help individuals heal, rejuvenate, and improve their overall wellness. By participating in a sauna session, you can take a deep physical break and find peace and balance for both your body and mind.

We have handcrafted our traditional Finnish sauna experience and call it M Ranch Sauna. Make your private appointment for a true sauna experience.


We have a lot of exciting plans to bring to our community through Global Wellness discovery. Stay tuned for the official launch...